Category Raising Awareness

USUA Volunteer Flies the Ukrainian Flag in Front of Congress During Zelensky’s Visit

USUA Volunteer Flies the Ukrainian Flag in Front of Congress During Zelensky’s Visit

US Ukrainian Activists volunteer and member Gleb Latnik is photographed flying the Ukrainian flag from his bicycle while demonstrating in support during President Zelensky’s address to Congress. Photograph taken on Capitol Hill, Washington DC. Date taken: Wednesday, December 21, 2022

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Ukrainians Stand with Iranian Freedom!

Ukrainians Stand with Iranian Freedom!

Monday, October 3 - This evening, we shared Lafayette Park with a large candlelit vigil held by Iranian Americans in support of the struggle for freedom happening within Iran right now. Several of the demonstrators came over to us to express their support for Ukraine and its fight for freedom against Russia. We are grateful for their support, and we stand behind their own struggle for freedom and basic rights against the oppressive Khomeini regime. Dictators around the world close ranks and support each other when one of them is threatened. Tyranny anywhere is a threat to freedom everywhere.
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