Month March 2023

Evacuation Vehicle for Ukrainian Defenders (Kreminna)

Evacuation Vehicle for Ukrainian Defenders (Kreminna)

Dear Friends, We are asking you to contribute for an evacuation vehicle for Ukrainian defenders from the 111th Luhansk Territorial Defense Brigade. The unit is currently fighting near Kreminna, Luhansk Oblast. We talked with the soldiers and found out that they required an all-wheel-drive car in order to evacuate wounded from the battlefield in difficult slushy road conditions. This car can really save lives of the soldiers!
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Ambassador Oksana Markarova on CNN with Wolf Blitzer in The Situation Room

Ambassador Oksana Markarova on CNN with Wolf Blitzer in The Situation Room

"Ambassador Оксана Маркарова tells CNN Wolf Blitzer on The Situation Room that all people in Ukraine and around the world deserve to see vladimir putin on trial, commenting the ICC's decision to issue arrest warrants against the President of the Russian Federation and the Russian Commissioner for Children's Rights—lvova-belova, for the unlawful deportation and unlawful transfer of Ukrainian children." - Embassy of Ukraine in the USA
Read MoreAmbassador Oksana Markarova on CNN with Wolf Blitzer in The Situation Room