Fundraiser – Christmas Gifts for 195 Children of Ukrainian Fallen Heroes

Christmas Gifts for 195 Children of Ukrainian Fallen Heroes
Dear Friends of Ukraine,
This Holiday Season, let’s bring a little more joy to the lives of 195 children of Ukrainian Heroes from Mykolaiv Oblast, whose parents sacrificed their lives defending Ukraine’s Freedom and Independence.
We aim to raise $3,900 for 195 Christmas gift packages. Each package includes a snake neck pillow, 0.5 kg (1.1 lb) of Ukrainian-made candies, educational bookmarks, stickers, and Ukrainian wrist bracelets.
The gifts were purchased in Ukraine and distributed to the children by the NGO International Association “Chas Zhinky” (ГО «МО Час Жінки») on St. Nicholas Day, Friday, December 6.
Your contribution, whether $5, $50, or any amount, will make a meaningful impact and will be deeply appreciated.
Together, we can make this season brighter for these deserving children.
More donation methods can be found here:
(Please specify the cause “Children of Fallen Ukrainian Heroes.”)
Thank you for your support!
Дякуємо за підтримку дітей українських загиблих Героїв!
– US Ukrainian Activists