Ukrainians Stand with Iranian Freedom!

Ukrainians Stand with Iranian Freedom!

Monday, October 3 - This evening, we shared Lafayette Park with a large candlelit vigil held by Iranian Americans in support of the struggle for freedom happening within Iran right now. Several of the demonstrators came over to us to express their support for Ukraine and its fight for freedom against Russia. We are grateful for their support, and we stand behind their own struggle for freedom and basic rights against the oppressive Khomeini regime. Dictators around the world close ranks and support each other when one of them is threatened. Tyranny anywhere is a threat to freedom everywhere.
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Alina Cherkasova Charity Concert – 2022/10/01

Alina Cherkasova Charity Concert – 2022/10/01

On Saturday, Oct.1, friends of Ukraine were privileged to experience an intimate concert with two brilliant Ukrainian musicians Alina Cherkasova and Yaroslav Gnezdilov.

As Russia continues its genocidal attempt to eradicate Ukraine, its people and its culture, US Ukrainian Activists (USUA) presented our 7th charity concert, held at Ukraine House, the cultural annex of the Ukrainian Embassy.

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Medical aid from USUA received by front-line paramedics in Ukraine

Medical aid from USUA received by front-line paramedics in Ukraine

We are thankful to the volunteer Hospitallers Medical Battalion for saving lives on the front-lines in Ukraine! Ми Дуже Вдячні Госпітальєрам за їх невтомну і таку важливу працю!!!💛💙Разом до Перемоги!!! 🇺🇦💖🇺🇦 Please help Hospitallers continue Saving Lives in Ukraine:—— Follow…

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