Category Hospitallers

Medical aid from USUA received by front-line paramedics in Ukraine

Medical aid from USUA received by front-line paramedics in Ukraine

We are thankful to the volunteer Hospitallers Medical Battalion for saving lives on the front-lines in Ukraine! Ми Дуже Вдячні Госпітальєрам за їх невтомну і таку важливу працю!!!💛💙Разом до Перемоги!!! 🇺🇦💖🇺🇦 Please help Hospitallers continue Saving Lives in Ukraine:—— Follow…

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1000 CATs for Hospitallers

1000 CATs for Hospitallers

Report Photos from Hospitallers.

On March 31, 2022, 1,000 C-A-Ts were received by the Medical Volunteer Battalion Hospitallers - the medics and paramedics who save lives on the frontlines in Ukraine, provide treatment and rehabilitation of wounded Ukrainian Soldiers.

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