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Five SAROS 3000 Oxygen Generating Field Portable Systems for Hospitallers

Five SAROS 3000 Oxygen Generating Field Portable Systems for Hospitallers

US Ukrainian Activists (USUA) directed a grant of $45,445.00 to purchase five SAROS 3000 Oxygen Generating Field Portable Systems (with extra batteries) for Hospitallers, the Ukrainian Battalion of Front-line Paramedics. At the beginning of May, 2024, these 5 Oxygen Generating Portable Systems were shipping to Ukraine.

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US Ukrainian Activists support K9 Military Unit of A2641

US Ukrainian Activists support K9 Military Unit of A2641

K9 Military Unit of A2641 trains military working dogs to assist military personnel in various tasks, including detecting explosives, demining service, conducting search and rescue operations, and providing security. This K9 Unit plays a crucial role in supporting military operations and enhancing the safety and effectiveness of military units.

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