REPORT: Christmas Gifts Delivered to 195 Children of Ukrainian Fallen Heroes

Dear Friends,

on St. Nicholas Day 🎄, December 6, US Ukrainian Activists (USUA) was happy to bring a little more joy 🎁 to the lives of 195 children of Ukrainian Heroes from Mykolaiv Oblast, whose parents sacrificed their lives defending Ukraine’s Freedom and Independence.🇺🇦

🇺🇦🎁🎄The gifts were purchased in Ukraine and distributed to the children by the NGO International Association “Chas Zhinky” (ГО «МО Час Жінки») on St. Nicholas Day, Friday, December 6.

✴️ We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who supported the Holiday Gifts Fundraiser, which continues to raise funds to cover the $3,900 spent on purchasing 195 holiday gifts in Ukraine. Each gift package included a toy (a snake neck pillow), 0.5 kg (1.1 lb) of Ukrainian-made candies, educational bookmarks, stickers, and Ukrainian wrist bracelets.

💛💙Thank you for your support! Дякуємо за підтримку дітей українських загиблих Героїв!🇺🇦

💛💙 We are deeply thankful to Larysa Tereshchenko/Лариса Терещенко and the NGO International Association “Chas Zhinky” (ГО «МО Час Жінки») for distributing the holiday gifts to 195 Ukrainian children! 🎁

💝 Щиро дякуємо Лариса Терещенко та Громадська організація “Час Жінки”, за співпрацю, щоб створити свято для дітей загиблих українських захисників! 🇺🇦

Facebook Report from Larysa Tereshchenko, the head of the NGO International Association “Chas Zhinky” on December 6, 2024:

Post by Oleksandr Tereshchenko, Head of the Department for Veterans Affairs and Internally Displaced Persons at the Mykolaiv City Council (Начальник управління у справах ветеранів, ВПО Миколаївської міської ради), featuring a photo report by Ruslana Myronyuk/Руслана Миронюк: